How the Discseel Procedure Treats the Back: A Friendly Guide

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Back pain can be a constant struggle, affecting your quality of life and limiting your activities. If traditional treatments haven’t worked for you, it might be time to explore new options.

The Discseel® Procedure offers a non-surgical solution that treats the root cause of your pain. By addressing issues like torn or damaged spinal discs, this procedure aims to provide lasting relief.

During the Discseel® Procedure, a natural substance called fibrin is injected into your spinal discs. This helps seal the tears and initiates a healing process. You might notice that your discomfort starts to fade away as your body works on repairing itself from the inside.

Imagine getting back to your daily activities without the constant worry of back pain. With the Discseel Procedure, this could become your reality. You’ll be able to enjoy life more fully, knowing that your spine is healing and regaining its strength.

Key Takeaways

  • The Discseel Procedure targets the root cause of back pain using fibrin injections.
  • It is a minimally invasive, non-surgical treatment option.
  • The healing process allows you to gradually return to a pain-free life.

Contact Morrison Clinic for More Information, please call: (561) 485-4104

Understanding Back Pain and Spinal Conditions

Back pain can be a complex issue, often resulting from spinal disc problems. Knowing the different symptoms and conditions can help you navigate your back pain journey.

Symptoms of Spinal Disc Issues

When your spinal discs are damaged or torn, you might notice certain symptoms. The most common sign is chronic back pain. You might also have pain that spreads to other parts of your body, like your legs or arms.

Other symptoms include:

  • Numbness or tingling in your limbs
  • Muscle weakness
  • Trouble moving or bending

Experiencing these can indicate problems with your spinal discs. It’s important to pay attention to these clues and seek medical advice if you notice them.

Degenerative Disc Disease and Torn Discs

Degenerative Disc Disease occurs when the discs in your spine wear down over time. This can lead to pain, reduced flexibility, and even nerve damage. Torn discs are another issue where the tough outer ring of a spinal disc tears, causing pain and possible nerve issues.

Common causes include:

  • Aging
  • Injury
  • Repetitive stress

Treatment options vary, but they often involve physical therapy, medication, or procedures like the Discseel® procedure. Identifying and addressing these conditions early can make a big difference in your comfort and mobility.

Evaluating Chronic Back Pain

When you have chronic back pain, a detailed evaluation is necessary. Dr. Morrison usually starts with a physical examination to check your range of motion, strength, and reflexes. Imaging tests like an MRI or Annulogram can provide a clearer picture of your spine’s condition.

Steps for evaluation:

  1. Physical examination
  2. Imaging tests (e.g., MRI)
  3. An Annulogram may be done to specifically look at the disc health

These methods help pinpoint the exact cause of your pain, leading to more targeted and effective treatments.

What Is the Discseel® Procedure?

The Discseel® Procedure is a minimally invasive treatment for chronic back pain. It focuses on repairing damaged spinal discs using natural biologics and advanced medical techniques.

The Role of Fibrin in Healing

Fibrin is a key component of the Discseel® Procedure. It’s a natural protein involved in blood clotting and wound healing.

During the procedure, Fibrin is injected into the damaged discs. This natural biologic helps seal tears and stimulates your body to begin the healing process.

Using Fibrin provides an effective way to treat disc-related issues because it encourages your body to repair itself.

You can benefit from this approach without major surgery.

This makes the Discseel® Procedure a less invasive alternative to traditional back surgeries like spinal fusion.

PRP and Stem Cells

In addition to Fibrin, the Discseel® Procedure may also use Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) and stem cells. PRP is made from your own blood and is rich in growth factors that promote tissue repair.

Dr. Morrison may use PRP to boost the healing effects of the treatment further.

Stem cells, often derived from your bone marrow, can also be included. These cells have the unique ability to turn into various types of tissues, aiding in the regeneration of your spinal discs. Combining PRP and stem cells with Fibrin offers a comprehensive approach to treating back pain.

Minimally Invasive Nature of Discseel®

As we’ve said before, the Discseel® Procedure is designed to be minimally invasive. This means it requires only small incisions, reducing the risks and recovery time compared to traditional surgery.

Performed in an outpatient setting, it usually takes about 40 minutes.

You can expect to walk on the same day of your treatment.

Being minimally invasive, you only need mild sedation during the procedure.

The technique uses x-ray fluoroscopy for precise delivery of biologic materials into your discs.

This ensures that the treatment targets the exact areas needing repair.

For those dealing with degenerative disc disease, herniated discs, or sciatica, the Discseel Procedure offers a promising alternative to more invasive options.


Preparing for the Discseel® Treatment

Before undergoing the Discseel® Procedure, there are key steps such as consulting with Dr. Morrison, determining if you are a good candidate, and understanding the risks and costs.

These preparations ensure that you are fully informed and ready for the treatment.

Consulting with Dr. Morrison

First, you will have a consultation with Dr. Morrison, the only neurosurgeon in the world performing the Discseel® Procedure.

During this meeting, Dr. Morrison will ask about your back pain history, previous treatments, and medical conditions.

It’s important to bring any prior test results, including X-rays and MRIs, to this consultation.

He might also administer a discography to pinpoint the exact location of disc damage.

Feel free to ask questions about the procedure, recovery time, and expected outcomes.

This is your opportunity to understand what will happen and address any concerns.

Determining Candidacy for Discseel®

Not everyone with back pain is a candidate for the Discseel® Procedure.

You will undergo an evaluation process to determine if this treatment suits your condition.

Conditions like disc degeneration or spinal surgery history might influence your suitability.

Dr. Morrison will examine your spine health and review any previous tests. He’ll assess how your specific disc issues align with the benefits of Discseel.

Sometimes, lifestyle and overall health play a part in this decision.

If you meet the criteria, the next steps will be planned.

If not, Dr. Morrison may suggest alternative treatments.

Life After the Discseel® Procedure

After the Discseel® Procedure, your journey to recovery begins. Get ready to rest and heal, experience long-term relief, and learn how to maintain an active lifestyle safely.

Recovery and Rest

Right after the Discseel® Procedure, rest is crucial. The healing process generally takes between 3 to 12 months. While you might walk the same day of treatment, it’s essential to take it easy.

Even if you feel better quickly, avoid strenuous activities. Your spine needs time to heal from the inside. Listen to your body and follow your doctor’s advice on activities to avoid, such as heavy lifting and intense exercise.

Gradually, as you start feeling better, you’ll be able to do more. Patience is key. Let your healing progress naturally to get the best results.

Long-term Benefits and Success Rates

One of the best aspects of the Discseel® Procedure is the potential for long-term relief from chronic back pain. Many people report significant improvements in their pain levels and overall mobility.

The procedure involves injecting a biologic substance called fibrin into damaged discs, which helps them heal and seal. This non-surgical option can be a great alternative to spinal fusion, which is more invasive.

Many patients experience notable pain reduction, improved function, and a better quality of life.

Individual results can vary, but the potential benefits are substantial.

Maintaining an Active Lifestyle

As you recover, integrating activity into your life again is vital. Start slowly with activities like walking and light stretching. These can help improve blood flow and support your healing process.

Avoid activities that might strain your back too soon. Focus on strengthening exercises that target your core and support your spine. Dr. Morrison or a physical therapist can provide specific recommendations.

Over time, you can gradually increase your activity levels.

Engaging in low-impact sports or activities, such as swimming or cycling, can help you maintain a healthy and active lifestyle without risking your recovery. Listen to your body and avoid pushing too hard too quickly.

Comparing to Other Treatments

When it comes to treating back pain, you have several options to consider. It’s essential to know how the Discseel® Procedure stacks up against other popular methods.

Non-Surgical Options

Non-surgical treatments include physical therapy, chiropractic care, and pain medications. These methods are often the first step for someone experiencing back pain. They aim to reduce inflammation and pain without invasive procedures.

Physical therapy focuses on strengthening the muscles around your spine to provide better support. Chiropractic care involves spinal adjustments to improve alignment and reduce pain.

Pain medications provide temporary relief but don’t address the root cause of conditions like herniated discs or degenerative disc disease.

Unlike these options, the Discseel® procedure is a minimally invasive treatment.

It uses a biological substance, fibrin, to seal tears in compromised discs and encourage natural healing. This makes it different because it can potentially offer longer-lasting relief without extensive recovery time.

Surgical Alternatives

Surgical options like spinal fusion and disc replacement are more invasive.

Spinal fusion involves joining two or more vertebrae together, aiming to eliminate movement and reduce pain.

In contrast, the Discseel procedure targets the damaged areas directly using an orthobiologic substance.

This is part of regenerative medicine therapies, which focus on repairing and regenerating tissue.

By treating the source of the problem—torn or damaged discs—the Discseel® Procedure can offer a promising alternative to traditional surgical methods.

Contact Morrison Clinic for More Information, please call: (561) 485-4104


Frequently Asked Questions

The Discseel® Procedure offers a non-surgical alternative for treating back pain by repairing damaged spinal discs.

Here, we cover what to expect during recovery, potential costs and insurance coverage, risks, effectiveness, and where to find clinics.


What can you expect after going through a Discseel® Procedure?

After the procedure, you might notice some immediate changes.

Recovery can take between 3 to 12 months, with variations depending on your specific condition.

It’s normal to experience pain that fluctuates during this period.

Many people can return to work within a week.

How much does the Discseel® Procedure typically cost, and what factors might affect the price?

The cost of the procedure can vary.

Factors like the clinic, the physician’s experience, and location might influence the price.

Insurance might cover part of it, but you’ll need to check with your provider for specifics.

Costs can be compared by consulting multiple clinics.

Is there any reason why the Discseel® Procedure wouldn’t be covered by insurance plans?

Insurance coverage for the procedure can be tricky.

Not all insurance plans recognize it as a conventional treatment.

Always consult with your insurance company to confirm whether it’s covered.

Sometimes, the procedure is seen as experimental or not approved, affecting coverage.

How effective is the Discseel® Procedure in providing long-term relief from back pain?

The Discseel® Procedure has shown promising results for many patients.

It can provide long-term relief by promoting natural healing of spinal discs.

Studies and patient testimonials indicate great success.

Connect With Dr. Morrison Today For Your Discseel® Consultation

If you’re suffering from chronic pain due to conditions like bulging, herniated or degenerative discs, the Morrison Clinic offers hope with Discseel® — a unique non-surgical treatment that can provide lasting relief.

As the only neurosurgeon performing this groundbreaking, minimally-invasive procedure, Dr. Morrison possesses the specialized expertise to thoroughly evaluate your medical history and recommend the best path forward, whether that’s Discseel®, other advanced treatments, or surgery only when absolutely necessary.

With seven convenient locations, the premier Morrison Clinic is here to help you find relief from back pain and get back to living your best life.

Schedule your consultation with Dr. Morrison today.

Schedule a Discseel® e-consult

We’re commited to helping deliver your best quality of life. Schedule an e-consult to determine if the Discseel® Procedure can deliver the best outcome for you.

Contact Morrison Clinic for More Information, please call: (561) 485-4104

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