Discseel Procedure Explained: Your Guide to Non-Surgical Back Pain Relief

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If you’re struggling with back pain due to damaged spinal discs, you might have explored various treatments without much relief.

The Discseel procedure offers a promising alternative, using a natural biologic to repair and seal torn discs in the spine.

Compared to traditional spinal surgery, the Discseel procedure represents a minimally invasive technique aimed at fostering healing and reducing pain.

Morrison Clinic offers this revolutionary procedure, providing new hope for lasting relief and recovery.

Understanding the Discseel technique can be crucial in evaluating your treatment options.

By using Fibrin, a substance from human blood, the procedure targets the root cause of disc-related pain by addressing the tears in the spinal discs.

The process is less intrusive than spinal fusion and has the potential to help you return to your normal activities with a significant reduction in discomfort.

Morrison Clinic’s commitment to embracing and providing such innovative treatments underscores their dedication to improving patient outcomes.

Key Takeaways

  • The Discseel procedure uses a natural biologic to repair spinal discs.
  • Morrison Clinic offers this cutting-edge treatment option for back pain.
  • It promises a minimally invasive approach with a focus on healing and pain reduction.

The Discseel Procedure is a cutting-edge, non-surgical treatment designed to relieve back pain caused by damaged spinal discs.

Now, let’s break down the specifics of why this might be the right treatment for you.

Understanding the Treatment

The Discseel Procedure stands out because, instead of surgery, it uses an FDA-approved biologic called Fibrin to heal your spinal discs.

Fibrin is a natural substance that helps seal the tears in your spinal discs, encouraging them to heal on their own.

Key Benefits

The benefits of this procedure are significant.

It’s minimally invasive, meaning you can avoid the risks and recovery time associated with surgery.

Plus, it’s proven to seal discs effectively, which can lead to long-term relief from back and neck pain.

Who Discseel Is Best For

If you’re struggling with chronic back pain and traditional treatments like physical therapy or chiropractic care haven’t provided relief, the Discseel Procedure may be a suitable option.

It’s especially geared towards individuals with damaged or torn spinal discs.

Discseel as an Alternative to Chiropractor/PT

For those who have tried chiropractic adjustments or physical therapy without success, the Discseel Procedure can offer a new avenue for healing.

It approaches disc repair biologically rather than mechanically, setting it apart as a unique treatment option in the realm of spine health.

Preparing for the Procedure

Medical tools laid out on a sterile tray, a surgical gown and gloves ready for use, and a bright operating room with a focused medical team

Before you get started with the Discseel® Procedure, there are important steps to ensure you’re ready for the experience.

It’s like getting prepped for a small adventure; you’ll need to know what to expect and how to get set up!

Consultation and Evaluation

First things first: you’ll need a chat with Dr. Morrison. Think of this as your planning stage.

He will check out your spine to see if you’re a good candidate for the treatment.

This might include looking at your medical history and current spine condition to make sure everything’s A-OK for the procedure.

  • Medical History: This is like giving the doctor a story about your back pain—when it started, what makes it worse, and if you’ve tried other treatments that didn’t quite do the trick.
  • Physical Examination: Dr. Morrison will probably want to take a look at how your back moves and check for any tender spots.
  • Imaging Tests: You might have some pictures taken of your spine through an MRI or CT scan, so the doctor can see what’s going on inside.

Steps Before the Day

As the day of your procedure zips closer, there’s a checklist of things to do:

  1. Medications: Dr. Morrison will tell you if you need to stop taking any medicines before the procedure.
  2. Fasting: You might need to fast, which means no eating or drinking for a certain time before your procedure. Your doctor will let you know how long you need to do this.
  3. Arrange a Ride: Since you won’t be able to drive immediately afterward, make sure you’ve got someone to take you home.
  4. Comfortable Clothing: Choose something easy and comfy to wear on the day of your procedure—you want to be as relaxed as possible.

The Procedure Day

A sterile operating room with bright lights and medical equipment. A table in the center with surgical tools laid out. A sense of anticipation and focus in the air

On the day of your Discseel® procedure, you’ll experience a minimally invasive treatment designed to help heal your damaged spinal discs.

Let’s walk through what this special day entails for you.

What to Expect

Before the procedure, you’ll meet with Dr. Morrison, who will go over the last-minute details and answer any lingering questions you might have.

When it’s time for your procedure, you’ll be taken to a treatment room where Dr. Morrison will use a natural injectable biologic, Fibrin, which is a notable aspect of the Discseel® Procedure.

Fibrin helps to repair and seal your spinal discs. The actual injection process is relatively quick, and you’ll be awake throughout, with local anesthesia to keep you comfortable.

After the Procedure Care

After your procedure, rest is important. You’ll be observed briefly, then you can go home the same day.

It’s crucial to follow your doctor’s instructions carefully for the best recovery.

This might include taking it easy for a few days and avoiding strenuous activities.

Dr. Morrison usually encourages light walking to aid your healing process, often starting 2-3 days after the procedure.

After the Discseel procedure, you’ll be on the path to recovery, and your spine will start healing. This is a time for both rest and specific activities to help rehabilitate your back.

Healing Process

The Discseel procedure sets off a healing process in your body that takes time—usually between 3 to 12 months.

Immediately after the procedure, your job is to take it easy.

The good news is, you may be walking the same day of the treatment. Your spine will be busy healing inside, even if you can’t see it happening.

Physical Therapy

Dr. Morrison or your doctor will likely recommend a customized physical therapy regimen.

This is to ensure your back gets stronger and heals properly.

It’s important to follow this plan closely:

  • Start light stretching exercises as advised by your therapist.
  • Gradually introduce activities that build muscle strength.
  • Avoid high-impact exercises until your doctor gives the green light.

Remember: Listen to your body and Dr. Morrison. If an activity causes pain, stop and consult with your healthcare provider.

Your dedication to your recovery plan is key to getting back to a more active, pain-free life.

A medical team performing a high-risk procedure with intense focus and precision. Instruments and monitors fill the room, creating a tense atmosphere

Frequently Asked Questions

Discseel is a treatment option for those seeking relief from back pain without conventional surgery.

These are some common questions you might have about the costs, expectations, and considerations when looking into the Discseel procedure.

What can I expect to pay for a Discseel procedure?

The cost of a Discseel procedure can vary depending on your location and the specific requirements of your case. It’s important to consult with a qualified healthcare provider for an accurate quote.

How long can I expect the results from Discseel to last?

Patients have reported sustained pain relief for years following the procedure.

However, individual results can vary. It’s essential to have realistic expectations and discuss the long-term outlook with your doctor.

What are some common concerns or complications with the Discseel treatment?

As with any medical procedure, there can be risks. Common concerns include infection or allergic reactions, but significant complications are rare. Your provider can give you detailed information based on your personal health profile.

Are there any legal concerns associated with the Discseel procedure?

The Discseel procedure is FDA recognized. This means it has gone through certain regulatory processes.

Always ensure the clinic you choose is reputable and the practitioners are properly certified.

Why might my insurance not cover the cost of Discseel?

Not all insurance plans cover Discseel because it is a relatively new procedure. Some insurers may consider it experimental.

Check with your insurance company to understand your coverage and any potential out-of-pocket costs.

Why Choose Morrison Clinic For The Discseel Procedure

When you’re looking for relief from back pain, Morrison Clinic stands out for its Discseel® Procedure. This innovative approach can be a game-changer if you’re struggling with back pain and want to avoid surgery.

  • Experienced Practitioners: The team at Morrison Clinic are experts in the field. They have a deep understanding of spine health.
  • Innovative Treatment: The Discseel® Procedure uses a natural biologic called fibrin to help heal and seal painful spinal disc tears.
  • Quick Recovery: One of the major benefits is a fast recovery process. Most patients are up and walking within 24 hours!
  • Minimally Invasive: You’ll love that this treatment is non-surgical and minimally invasive. Less down-time, less risk.

Here is a quick rundown of why Morrison Clinic could be your best choice:


Advantages What It Means for You
Expert Medical Team Confidence in receiving care from highly-qualified professionals
Non-surgical Option Avoid the risks and long recovery associated with surgery
Fast Recovery Get back to your daily life quicker
Focus on Quality of Life Improved wellbeing without extensive procedures

For an approach focused on healing without surgery Morrison Clinic’s Discseel® Procedure could provide the relief you’ve been searching for.

Our goal is your pain relief and improved quality of life.

Schedule a Discseel® e-consult

We’re commited to helping deliver your best quality of life. Schedule an e-consult to determine if the Discseel® Procedure can deliver the best outcome for you.

Contact Morrison Clinic for More Information, please call: (561) 485-4104

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